Welcome to Active Lives Online

The Active Lives Survey collects data on the engagement in, and attitudes to, sport and physical activity.

To explore the survey, select the data you are interested in analysing.

Select the data you are interested in analysing.
The boxes above provide the opportunity to view the Active Lives Adult data, the Children and Young People Activity data, or the Children and Young People Attitudes data. Please note the following:
  • Children and Young People Activity Data - this section covers the different sports and activities available from the Active Lives survey. Participation rates show whether Children and Young People have taken part anywhere in the last week, during school hours, outside of school hours and then either indoors and outdoors (outside of school hours). Overall levels of activity, swimming capability, swimming confidence, volunteering, spectating, mental wellbeing and outcome measures can also be reviewed using this section of the tool.
  • Children and Young People Attitudes Data - this section provides findings for attitudes towards sport and physical activity. The attitudes measured include enjoyment, confidence, competence, understanding and knowledge. These five attitudes are used to measure physical literacy. Data can also be broken down by the numbers of positive attitudes present, enabling physical literacy analysis too.

Latest updates

28/01/2025 Academic Year 23-24 children and young people data import

04/06/2024 November 22-23 adult data import

15/01/2024 Academic Year 22-23 children and young people data import

22/05/2023 November 21-22 adult data import

12/01/2023 Academic Year 21-22 children and young people data import

Please note the Loneliness measure for adults has temporarily been taken down and will be restored early 2025

The Inequalities metric has temporarily been taken down and an updated version will be added early 2025